Dogs are loyal and friendly and take no time to become a part of the family. As a pet owner, you need to be extra cautious about your pet, considering they don’t often show signs of disease until the situation is already worse. While dogs are at risk of various illnesses, timely medical care and intervention can change the outcome. In this guide, we will discuss the top signs that indicate that your furry friend needs to see a veterinarian in Northbridge, MA, immediately.
Skipping meals
If your dog suddenly decides to skip a meal, it may not be unusual, especially during peak summers. However, when this becomes a habit, or the animal loses complete interest in food, treat that as a warning. Weird and odd eating habits can be an indicator of many underlying problems.
Drinking too much water
It is okay for your dog to drink a lot of water after an extensive and exhausting walk, but excessive thirst is a concern. Drinking excessive water could be a sign of something more severe, such as diabetes or even kidney disease. Watch out for how much water you put in their bowl, if they are consuming more water than usual, or whether they are peeing too much.
We all know dogs are playful pets, and while it is common for most breeds to slow down with age, unusual lethargy is often a sign of disease. Is your dog hesitant to go for a walk? Are they trying to avoid movements? Do they seem more dull than usual? Check with a vet to know if there are underlying issues that need to be addressed.
Frequent vomiting
Like most animals, dogs also vomit from time to time, especially when they want to get rid of something they consumed that doesn’t seem right. The situation, however, can become alarming if your dog continues to vomit several times in a row. The content of the vomit can also signal certain issues. For instance, blood-laced puking is a medical emergency. Other accompanying symptoms include fever. In fact, fever is often a sign of something more serious.
Stool changes
Your dog’s waste tells a lot about their current health. Dog stool should ideally be moist and firm. However, if your fur baby is passing hard stools or has diarrhea, don’t wait to get medical help. Watch out for worms or blood in the stool, and if the dog has diarrhea for more than 24 hours, you should call the pet clinic immediately. Diarrhea and vomiting can cause severe dehydration and other complications.
Emergency situations
While many dogs take time to show symptoms of diseases, others may present immediate signs. If your dog is suddenly having a seizure, that’s an emergency. Other such examples include unconsciousness, bleeding from the mouth or nose, and open wounds. Dogs have a tendency to wander, and it is quite possible that your pet has injured itself while on an adventurous streak.
Other quick pointers
Caring for a pet is no easy task. You have to be extra vigilant about their activities and must keep an eye out for changes in behavior, eating, and sleeping habits. If your dog is a happy-go-lucky pet, be warned when they don’t act normally. Also, it is just as critical to go for regular wellness exams. Many pet owners often wait for things to get worse before they check with an expert, while others ignore the need for vaccinations and periodic checks.
With numerous veterinary clinics in Northbridge, getting help shouldn’t be hard. Make sure that you follow the vet’s advice after returning home and keep up with further appointments.